-The tone is very delicate but still very strong in meaning
-Be the man not the beast
-If two people cannot love equally, the narrator would rather be the one who loves more than the one to be loved more.
-the narrator seems to be the bigger or the better person compared to many people, he is very sincere and honest with his feelings.
We often go through our lives hoping to find that one special person that is will love you back equally and provide you what you need. Although we desire so much, in reality, there will always be one side that cares and puts more effort than the other, that's the whole concept of individuality, right? In this peom, The More Loving One by W.H. Auden portrays the feeling and thoughts of a person who would rather be the better and make the best of everything he has.
In the first stanza, Auden draws out a person who would choose to be a man and not a beast who takes all he hads for granted just to achieve what he wants most. People are made to want more, to be motivated but often times it leads to being greedy, wanting more than what you are able to give back. But of course, that's what most people want, to be loved and to do less but attain more. Others can care less in all honesty what happens to you, in the end the majority will save themselves before they even think about saving and helping others.
The peom itself is endearing and pushes the feelings of the auudience to be the more loving one, even if that means loving more and being loved less, even if it means the outcome isn't always what you want, because by doing this, in the end you will be a greater being and you will feel that much better about yourself. Throughout the poem, Auden uses stars and the elements of the sky to express the being of a person and how they feel and act.
Throughout the peom, Auden uses his tone and diction to portray the figure of a person who strives to be the better and the "more loving one". His aura as the narrator is both touching and inspirational even in a short four stanza poem.
It's so Right but feels so Wrong