Monday, March 18, 2013

Brave New World Chapter 6

-Lenina convinces Bernard to attend a wrestling match
-Lenina spots that Bernard isn't happy or acting "normal"
-She tells Bernard to take soma
-During the return trip, he stops his helicopter and hovers over the Channel
- She begs him to take her away from the rushing emptiness of the water after he tells her that the silence makes him feel like an individual
-Eventually he takes a large dose of soma, and has sex with her
-The next day, Bernard tells Lenina that he did not really want to have sex with her the first night
-Then he goes to get the Director’s permission to visit the Reservation. He braces himself for the Director’s disapproval of his unusual behavior
-When the Director presents the permit, he mentions that he took a trip there with a woman twenty years before. She was lost during a storm and has not been seen since
-When Bernard says that he must have suffered a terrible shock, the Director immediately realizes that he has been revealing too much of his personal life
-He criticizes Bernard for his antisocial behavior and threatens to exile him to Iceland if his impropriety persists
-Bernard leaves the office feeling proud of being considered a rebel

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