Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Brave New World Chapter 2

-The students are taken to the nursery
-The director operates an experiment to show the students what must be done to maintain the stability
-The babies crawl to the books and flowers that is in the room and once they reach them, an awful alarm starts screeching and the floors are eletrified.
-The babies cry and scream, sounding painful and fearful
-the lesson was to teach the kids to hate nature and to not have the extra knowledge and to maintain the consuption of goods.
-Director tells story of Reuben Rabinovitch
-The students speak of "parents" and "family" as if its a sin, or a bad word.
-Most students don't even understand what a "home" is
-Hypnopaedia is the way of learning through listening to something during slumber and waking up completely being able to recite it. The only flaw is that you will know it but not understand the meaning behind the words
-Ford is a godly figure to them

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